During many thousands of years this powerful river has
created the most gorgeous canyon along its course. But the most
popular and the most visited in the last years part of the canyon
became the Valley of Castles – the name that had been chosen quite
exactly because the unusually shaped formations resemble the fortress
walls. This is the fanciest nature creature you can visit during one
day taking a tour from Almaty and this place will keep you bewitched
for a long time.The Valley of Castle is a wide dry three kilometers
long canyon joining the main stream of the river. The river has its
other way now but millions of years ago this place was a gulf of a
giant ancient sea. The sea was stretching from the Alakol lake to the
Caspian sea. This fact explains the soft structure of the canyon
walls consisting of stones pressed together by clays. But these rocks
change their form easily under the impact of water and wind. The
nature as the greatest sculpturer creates some fancy giant sculptures
or pretty little figures.The way to the Valley of Castles is pretty
exciting. You shall cover a 200 kilometers distance from Almaty to
the Valley of Castles going past Zailiyskiy Alatau mountain range so
that you can see the highest ever white mountain tops. You will go
past some smaller and larger villages and every of them is special in
its own way. It is better to plan your tour for spring or autumn
because the life of the canyon stops in July and in August – the
heat is really bad in this time period. Along the road you may see
all the products that are cultivated in this fruitful region of seven
rivers. The mountains slowly become low-sloped, some wide valleys
come in view and the blue ribbon of Ili river appears sometimes far
away in the north.You reach the last big village on your way- Baiseit
village where is the picturesque road-side bazaar with a great choice
of products. The bus stops there for the tourists could buy some
freshly baked flatbread, vegetables or fruit and to limber up after a
long sitting. Finally the civilization stays behind and the bus
increases speed on the way straight as an arrow. Then the way turns
to the Kokpek canyon and meander between steep rocky mountains that
are quite picturesque in spring covered with brightly coloured poppy
flowers and wild irises. At the Kokpek pass there are some little
houses and a road café. From this point starts the last part of the
journey that is some kilometers long. The boundless Sagety valley
spreads out at the both sides of the road framed by the faraway
If you look from far away it seems that there are some
coppices at the skyline. In fact these are some kind of illusions,
because when you get near to them you can clearly see that these are
actually the mountains.From the far distance the canyon looks like a
valley and only when you get nearer to the edge you see a deep lying
valley that is not very wide and has got fancy rocky walls. There are
some pathways to the Valley of Castles now. But earlier there were
none and the tourists took the extreme way to get to the valley:
using cords they climbed down from the top of the edge to the bottom.
The appropriate pathways were found later. You walk down the steep
path at the beginning of the canyon, then you walk along the way
going further to the valley. The views are fascinating and worth
being photographed, so normally tourists admire this moment and
express many positive emotions. That is understandable because the
steep canyon walls are shaped in a fantastic way. Everyone may see in
these fancy shapes something different: one can see a huge frog
talking to a lizard; another one could see a giant tortoise several
meters tall carrying a load or a jumbo with a peaky nose…Generally
the canyon walls are 100 meters high. Some parts of the canyon
resemble the protecting walls of the castles of the Middle Ages.

you pass the real gates created by two huge rocks that used to block
the passage of the vehicles. There are some fantastic views worth
being photographed. Going a bit further you will hear an obtuse roar
of Charyn river and feel the breezy breathing of its flowing
water.Here you will see the really dark rocks marked by some splits
and caves; the rocks with some carved by the tracks of the spring
water streams. At the entrance to the round valley of the river
there is a funny sculpture created by the nature that looks like a
huge animal with a long nose standing on a thin leg. It seems to be
sadly waiting to fall down. But on your way back some other images
will capture your imagination and everything will look in a different
 The violent and stormy Charyn river meets its guests by its
warning roaring saying "I am really very dangerous, so do not get
too close to me”. You can hear the stream carrying huge rocks.
Indeed, if one falls into the stream, there is no chance to be
rescued, so you have to be careful and listen to your guide. There
are some interesting trees growing on the bank of the river –
Asiatic poplars. Their leaves are not the same on the same tree, they
have got different shapes. On the opposite bank of the river there
are the red rocks resembling the Chinese pagoda. A break is usually
done on the river bank for having a snack and some rest before the
way back.It is also possible to get up along a narrow rocky path on
the right bank of the river, but only in a small group with a guide
and very carefully. Another way is much more interesting (and safer),
when you get up the path starting near the rocky gateway. This path
is seen slightly indefinite on the slope, it goes parallelly to the
road first and then goes up gradually. There are burrows of the
curious gerbils, small mammals also known as "desert rats”. They
stand as little columns near their burrows where they will hide
quickly when something (or someone) dangerous appears. Gerbils live
even along the rocky way at the bottom of the canyon, building their
settlements and burrows directly on the road.On your way back it is
highly recommended to turn around many times to enjoy the changing
and breathtaking views of the Valley of Castles lying at your
feet.The best days for visiting the canyon are the weekdays. During
these days the silence is fabulous. You may meet some rare falcons
that used to build their nests there until it became too noisy. Some
quick lizards cross your way fearlessly. In spring it is possible to
meet a hare jumping out of the grass. The nature takes a rest after
the noisy and tiresome weekend and the peaceful silence helps your
soul to relax.

Please use the links below for more detailed Charyn
canyon tour description. Two and three days tours or weekend tours
from Almaty and longer journeys for visiting the Charyn canyon are
offered. The Charyn canyon is one of the most beautiful places of the
Almaty region and it is for sure one of the most spectacular natural
spots worth seeing in Kazakhstan. We wish you a nice journey and many
unforgettable impressions!The article has been prepared using the
information from the open sources. |